Is your writing working for you?

Communication is the glue that holds our economy together. Yet an epidemic of bad writing is being allowed to create a black hole in productivity that’s undermining individual careers and organizations across the spectrum, from large enterprises to non-profits and government agencies.

Why is poor workplace writing so vital to workplace efficiency? Because great ideas are being lost in a sea of Junk in the Inbox. The writing can be so fuzzy that the reader doesn’t even know what is being asked of them. One misunderstood email creates a chain of queries and clarifications that wastes everyone’s time. That’s because so much writing is indirect and sloppily structured. It’s nothing more than a loosely assembled litany of points that fail, in the end, to make any point at all.

How can bad writing be easily fixed?

Most people are much better writers than they think. What’s missing isn’t the ability to write a compelling sentence; it’s the thinking and strategizing needed to form a winning argument – and the conscious adjustment of tone and voice to make the most convincing case possible. Instead of sinking into the depths of your reader’s Inbox.

The reality is that you’d never speak to someone in the same choppy shorthand used for texting, yet people don’t hesitate to write that way. Our mission at writeup is to take your writing out of this auto-pilot mode and into a realm that demonstrates your conviction and respect for your reader.

There’s no overestimating the power of better writing. It’s the key to more effective and efficient communications. And that’s just what’s needed to close the productivity gap caused by weak writing. Give yourself the power to to write with more heart and more authority – with Power Writing by writeup.

“…The practice of good, collaborative writing makes the difference between great business and bad business –
a sale or no sale.”
– Harvard Business Review, 2013

Find out Why writing skills are essential today.
 See Who will benefit from a workshop.
 Learn How easy it is to write more effectively.
 Discover the discipline of the Writing Dashboard.
Explore the Power Writing Workshops. 
Introduce yourself to Joel Sears.


Exciting news – after developing and facilitating several writing workshops for the CMA, we have finalized a new format for 2020. 

On May 27th, I’ll be debuting the new Communications Writing seminar, specifically designed for people working inside organizations who have direct communications responsibilities but lack experience in “copywriting”. 

Then in October, we will be returning with a revised and more advanced The ART of COPYWRITING  seminar for professional advertising and marketing writers. To register or find out more information about these seminars, visit the Canadian Marketing Association.